lycier, on 2016-May-02, 16:21, said:
First, you said " You weren't ever going to buy it for 2H, the opps should compete to 3c at least. "
Now I would check and replay it :
Ok, I would help opp to overcall 3♣, but its explanation....
So, all you've done is point out more bugs in GIB's competitive bidding to be fixed. Opener should be able to bid 3c over 2h competitively just on holding 5 cd clubs, without it being a game try. 5+ clubs, say 12-16 TP, not the 17-18 it apparently is now. Just because GIB's bidding as opps is also broken doesn't mean that we should break NS bidding 2H on super wide range to cater to your sort of hand. BOTH sequences should be fixed, then GIB is more effective bidder both as NS and EW on these hands.
If you bid 2H on super wide range, you just miss way too many games, even if EW remain silent. The original post, 12 HCP and 5 cd suit 2H is completely ridiculous, or you think that is actually the right bid? Even slightly weaker, you are missing a hell of a lot of games.
Getting to 3 on 10-11 is perfectly fine, even if you go down one occasionally, because of all the games you'll bid and make (that wouldn't be bid if partner has minimal takeout double and passes 2H) as compensation, along with the hands where EW can make something and it works as a good sac.
None of your example hands is at all justifying your belief that 6-12 is a reasonable range for 2H. They are just pointing out more GIB sequences that ought to be optimized/fixed.
After my responsive double, just as you earlier said, opener will of course compete to 3♣, but south Gib pass, so I would better bid 5-card ♥.
Stephen Tu, if I only hold 4-4 majors, facing to opp's 3♣ and pd's pass, it seems my only choice is pass.
3H is a reasonable call having made responsive double over 2c, now you show both the 5th heart and the 4 cd spades. But it's not really the best call over 2c IMO.
Holding 4-4 in the majors, one can make a responsive double over 2c, and over 3c passed back to you, you can double again if at the top end of your range, or you can pass with a minimum if partner chose not to bid.
And here, although opener is right to bid 3c, the range of 12-18 is again too wide IMO. Probably should be ~12-16.