Hi Jilly,
WBF alert regs:
I'm fairly confident you've already read that though :-)
It's interesting to note
If screens are not in use, do NOT alert the following: All doubles...
Whether playing on BBO qualifies as 'screens are not in use', I dunno. If not then the question becomes 'is the bid conventional?'
The gist seems to be that doubles are to be considered 'self-alerting' (hence do not require any alert), and thus the side which is doubled should be aware of the fact that it may have multiple meanings and ask for further information if they want clarification.
The ABF alert regs also state that all doubles are 'self-alerting' - no need to alert any doubles - or redoubles! (screens or not, it seems)
Such a blanket statement seems odd to me. For example I play that a double of a 1
♣ opener shows less than 12 HCP, and promises 4 or more cards in both black suits. Surely that
should be alerted, as should 'negative' doubles which promise the 2 unbid suits, and various other conventional doubles/redoubles.
I recall reading an article a while ago (in the ABF bulletin?) which made the argument that a double should not need to be alerted if all it really shows is 'values', as I suppose most 'takeout' doubles do, or one made by a strong hand who intends to bid again regardless of partner's response...and so on. That seems reasonable to me. Well I remember thinking it well-argued at the time.
On balance it would appear that doubles do not generally have to be alerted unless they are 'conventional'. Takeout would seem to bear the marks of a conventional bid - it's not natural - you don't actually want to play there - and therefore should be alerted. Unless you're not using screens, or in Australia.
The problem with this example is we have no idea whether this double is takeout converted or penalty - so it's impossible to make an informed decision as to whether it should be alerted or not. In any case it's difficult to see any damage arising from the failure (um, non-failure?).
Probably not a lot of help from me here I'm afraid, it's a curly question and I guess it's ultimately up to the organisers to decide upon specific CoC's for tourneys, But hopefully I've given you some food for thought?