Scoring: IMPs
Ron Rubin was sitting South and (systemically) opened 1S showing 4+ Spades, might have a longer suit. Zia was sitting West and passed in direct seat. Russ Ekdblad was sitting North and chose a 2C response. (Ekeblat and Rubin's system summary is available at Please note the following direct quote: “Over 1D, 1H and 1S, 2C is ART FG”). Rosenberg passed 2C in direct seat and the auction proceeded
1S – P – 2C – P
2H – P – P - ???
Rubin rebid 2H showing a two suited hand with Spades and Hearts. (I'm not sure whether this opening promises longer Hearts than Spades) Ekeblad now chose to pass and Rosenberg was left with nasty decision. Rosenberg has a few scattered values. Its unclear whether Ekeblad has psyched 2C or, alternatively passed with a minimum misfit. Zia holds significant values and surely knew whats going on, but he was sitting in the wrong seat... One might argue that Rosenberg shouldn't pass the hand out, however, its unclear whether the have any firm agreements in this area. Would bidding show values or is Rosenberg forced to take action with any hand? Moreover, assume that Zia - Rosenberg adopted a mandatory reopening style... What happens if Ekeblad decided to psyche a second round pass holding a strong misfitting hand. Interesting hand, especially since it produced a game swing.
Equally significant, most bridge organizations have regulations that ban psyching strong artificial and forcing openings. In some cases, the bans extend to psyching any conventional bid. However, this event is using the ACBL Superchart which allows players considerable discretion in this area.
Where life gets interesting is the following little addendum in the ACBL Superchart:
Item 6 under “Disallowed” states: “Psyching a conventional agreement which may show fewer than 10 HCP and which is not permitted by the General Convention Chart. This includes psyching responses to or rebids of these methods.” The 2C response is legal at the GCC level if it is a generic game force, but illegal if it part of a "relay system". The ACBL (or at least the USBF) might finally get forced to address some of these issues...
Wonder whether there are any examples where Ekeblad and Rubins ever chose to make a 2C advance over a 1D/1H/1S opening with 9 HCPs...
Expect some noise if the match ends up close.
For what its worth, I like the psyche and (suspect) that its legal. However, the waters are definitely murky...
not Ira Rubin, Ron Rubin
This post has been edited by Gerardo: 2006-August-28, 23:39