cherdano, on Jul 20 2007, 01:28 AM, said:
You are assuming that being right and being wrong are equally likely. This can't be right for all possible amounts of money you find in the envelope, for the reasons explained by several in this thread.

Again, this is all true, but if you think this is
the explanation for the paradox then you're missing the really beautiful part.
OK, let's actually play this damn game. I'm going to put the amounts of money in the envelopes for you. I'm going to do it in such a way that the probability of the envelopes containing $
M and $2
M is at least 9/10 of the probability of the envelopes containing $
M/2 and $
M, for all possible values of $
M. (Let's say the amounts will always be a power of 2, for simplicity.)
Trivial calculation: this means that if you open the envelope and find that it contains $
M, then the expected amount in the other envelope, given this information, is at least $(6
M/5). [In fact the best possible bound involves 19s, but I want to keep the numbers simple.]
But what does this actually mean? Does it mean that it's always right to switch? Well, yes and no. It turns out to be difficult to pin down exactly what we mean by "the right thing to do". But we can get some insight into what's going on by looking at what happens if you adopt various strategies.
Let's play this game a large number of times, and keep track of how much money you've collected in total. We'll also keep track of how much money you would have won if you'd never switched. We'll say you're "in profit" if the amount of money you've collected is bigger than the amount you would have got by never switching. Sounds fair enough?
OK, the first strategy we'll look at is if you only switch if the amount in your envelope is $1. This guarantees you a profit of $1 every time it happens (assuming you can't get any smaller amounts of money). So, in the long run you will be making a profit, albeit slowly.
Now, let's instead try the strategy where you switch only if the amount in your envelope is $2. From the calculation we did earlier, we expect to make a profit on average when this comes up, of over 40 cents per time. Again, in the long run you are going to make a profit. It's not a guaranteed profit any more, but the probability that you will be in profit after playing, say, 1000000 times is very close to 1.
I hope there is nothing paradoxical about this so far.
But we can do the same thing for any other amount. No matter what amount we choose, we expect to make a profit in the long run, provided that we only switch when that amount comes up.
Now here's another strategy: let's switch provided that the amount in our envelope is
at most $64. Now, this means that we will be switching on a lot of times where the amounts in the envelopes are $1 and $2. These will cancel out in the long run, since of those occasions, we expect to open the envelope with the larger amount exactly half the time. The same goes for when the envelopes contain $2 and $4, or when they contain $4 and $8, and so on - these situations all give us zero profit. BUT we are also switching someimes when the envelopes contain $64 and $128, and here our cleverly-chosen strategy means we
only switch when it is right for us to do so! So again, by following this strategy we will be making a profit in the long run.
More generally, we can choose any finite subset of the possible amounts, and if we only switch when we get one of those amounts, we will make a profit (which you can calculate in terms of expected gain per play). If we have a fixed strategy like this, then the probability that we are in profit after
N plays approaches 1 as
N gets large.
And the more often you switch, the larger your expected profit per play is.
But now let's try and be greedy and switch
every time. Now, we are no longer steadily accumulating profit at a rate we can calculate. [In fact the expectation is undefined, because the money that you expect to make is infinite whether you choose to switch or not.] If you track what happens to your profit as time goes on, you will find that at times you will be making huge profits: if you look at your maximum profit of all times up to the present, then this will get larger and larger as time goes on. But at other times you will be making huge losses, and the size of these losses will also approach infinity. In fact,
you will find yourself in profit exactly half the time in the long run. There will be infinitely many points in time when you are making a profit, but also infinitely many points in time when you are making a loss.
So, if you want to actually make a steady profit, you should only switch when you get a particular amount [or amounts] in your envelope. This guarantees ("almost surely" as the experts say) that whatever profit you want to make, you will eventually reach that level
and stay there for the rest of time. If you switch all the time, then you will eventually reach that level
but you won't stay there.