gnasher, on 2010-November-17, 15:06, said:
I cross to a spade and play a club to the jack. When that holds, I cash the ace. When LHO shows out, I cash the top diamonds.
Assumng LHO has four diamonds, I cash the top spades ending in dummy. If RHO has four hearts, he'll be squeezed without the count.
This seems right to me....altho there is a virtually risk-free alternative should you happen to like LHO more than RHO.
Play as above, except that you assess whether LHO has 5+ diamonds. if he has 6, that's easy...if he has 5, then I wouldn't use the line I am about to suggest, since it never gains over Andy's and can lose against imaginative opps.
If after the second top diamond rho shows out or you judge with absolute confidence that LHO had 5, you can exit a low diamond to rectify the count and now it's a simple squeeze on rho if he started with 4+ hearts.
BTW, it must be very close to certain that LHO has 5 diamonds, if on the 2nd round he drops a small spot, because we need him to have at least 9 cards in the pointed suits, and he'd probably lead his 5 card suit rather than his 4 card suit, since his goal is, presumably, to avoid giving away a trick.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari