reopening at the 1 level
Posted 2011-January-15, 02:45
All vul, MPs (but say so if you'd do different at IMPs), south is dealer
Posted 2011-January-15, 02:53
Posted 2011-January-15, 06:21
"imo by far in bridge the least understood concept is how to bid over a jump-shift
( 1M-1NT!-3m-?? )." ....Justin Lall
" Did someone mention relays? " .... Zelandakh
K-Rex to Mikeh : " Sometimes you drive me nuts " .
Posted 2011-January-15, 10:36
Posted 2011-January-15, 12:42
I think a direct 3♣ should look more like AQx x Kx KQJxxxx.
Posted 2011-January-15, 15:11
Of course rule does not necessarily apply if you cannot handle the auction if partner bids the other major (like, you have a stiff there), but that's not the case here.
Posted 2011-January-15, 15:30
I learned the same rule. Good principle, helped a lot with many doubling decisions.
The only place we differ is "here I certainly would": MPs + opps vul is good news, but I'd still be very worried about sitting for a 1-level double. (Not MP, or opps NV, and I wouldn't even dream of passing.) I voted 3C with some reluctance.
Not that I expect anybody to take my opinions over Justin's

Posted 2011-January-15, 15:43
Posted 2011-January-15, 15:54
I would like better clubs for 3♣.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2011-January-15, 18:20
partner had
Posted 2011-January-15, 19:03
Posted 2011-January-16, 00:35
Posted 2011-January-16, 02:44
gnasher, on 2011-January-16, 00:35, said:
The fit makes defending 1♥X much less attractive, and also after passing the bidding might be at 2♠, by the time it gets back to you in which case you will regret not showing your fit and values immediately.
Posted 2011-January-16, 03:34
gnasher, on 2011-January-16, 00:35, said:
I don't see why partner should worry about them having a spade fit. If they run to spades, he can still support clubs then. It's not like they are likely to preempt us in spades after we pass for penalties.
He doesn't have a particularly good fit for clubs, and his hearts are very defensive. It seems right to pass, little does he know that we have a 7-4 club fit.
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-January-16, 03:42
han, on 2011-January-16, 03:34, said:
He doesn't have a particularly good fit for clubs, and his hearts are very defensive. It seems right to pass, little does he know that we have a 7-4 club fit.
I meant that responder should bid on the first round. What would you do with the responding hand after
pass 2/3♠
Posted 2011-January-16, 04:49
han, on 2011-January-16, 03:34, said:
He doesn't have a particularly good fit for clubs, and his hearts are very defensive. It seems right to pass, little does he know that we have a 7-4 club fit.
If West had 5+♥ and 4+♠ would he not have doubled? This suggests that East has longer ♠ than West and if East is not strong enough to introduce a new suit at the 2 level (which is likely the case), they won't find their ♠ fit, if North makes a move like 2♣ or 1NT. This also suggests that East could run to 1♠ if he is scared to play 1♥X and if East is to weak to run, we might have missed game.
Posted 2011-January-16, 05:49
George Carlin
Posted 2011-January-17, 13:11
1. I definitely want to defend 1♥ oppsite, say, Qxx KJ98x Jxxx x.
2. Responder is a bit weakish and the club fit is a certainty.