1NT all pass (there was some weird bug when i created this diagram and i couldn't see the hands being entered - except south - nor did i have a bidding box to enter the bidding)
1NT = 12-14
♦ 3 J Q K
♣ 3 6 A 5
♣ 4 J K 2
♣ T ?
How do east and west discard here?
Assume standard carding (or UDCA) - attitude before count before suit preference.
You can comment on the usefulness of Smith Peter or similar at trick two here if you think that it is relevant.
On the actual hand you can see that the defense have seven top tricks. And that both east and west need to assume that their partner's have the respective major suit aces in order to beat 1NT.
However on a different layout the aim wouldn't be to defeat 1NT but to restrict overtricks. It seems that at MPs and even at IMPs if the aces are not held their should be enough flexibility to enable east for example to keep ♠ Q98 when declarer has ♠AKx or AKxx but to throw these cards away when partner has the ace. The problem is can you convey information specific enough here?