This hand is from an online ACBL event that I was commenting on to one of the players (student).
I agree with the concept that it is highly likely that East has
♦Kx, and leading the
♥queen to try to smother a hypothetical jack is the best play at imps. In fact, for those interested, it was the winning play at the table. I would judge someone who found this play -- instead of the diamond finesse -- to at least a thinking player (diamond finesse seems "automatic" for a non-thinker). I thought most might not find it, so that playing this line would be a near top, and not playing it would be about average. Turns out, down one (diamond finesse) was only 36%. The reason why ending up being poor defense. Some people won
♠A and shifted to a diamond (!) a few blocked the spade suit when West returned
♠4 at trick two and East won the ten and continued the queen, or east won the ten and shifted, then a large group made after a spade-spade-spade and then East threw a spade on the run of the clubs. There was a large group, including the student, who got the defense shown. Everyone of them took the diamond finesse and went down. I liked the hand in part because as noted above East was squeezed in three suits...
T1. S to ACE
T2. S9 which holds, dummy discard heart. East ♠2
T3 S8 dummy lets go heart, east ♠6
T4-5 ♣AQ, both follow
T6-7: ♣ KJT, east ♥679 West ♦235