kenberg, on 2011-February-14, 20:53, said:
In high school they gave us the Kuder Preference Test to see what careers we are psychologically suited for. Letter grades were assigned. For mathematics I got a C minus. This amused me greatly. Recommended careers were aviation and farming. Mostly I think the test accurately diagnosed me as being a somewhat confused seventeen year old male. On the other hand, I once took an intelligence test that recommended I consider semi-skilled labor as a career choice. So maybe a semi-skilled pilot of a crop duster. That could explain the plane crash in North by Northwest.
I took one of those tests once upon a great time ago - but I don't remember the results. However, I did take a state-sponsored vocational test which said I could be anything except a brain surgeon, as I didn't have the small-muscle dexterity for the job. So I got a job cracking open small mussels with dexterity. It didn't pay as much as brain surgery but you got to eat for free - if you can call that eating.
This has noting to do with math except that I couldn't do that, either, and it didn't seem to have anyting to do with small muscles, small mussels, or dexterity.