Can I hide a forum from my 'View New Content' list?
Posted 2012-April-20, 00:20
Can I block the GIB forum?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-April-20, 08:50
Posted 2012-April-20, 13:06
The next version of IP.Board has the ability to filter View New Content to show only watched threads. But there doesn't seem to be a way to filter out forums. There's a third-party plugin that can be installed to ignore threads, but it requires the next version of IP.Board.
Posted 2012-April-23, 06:56
-- Bertrand Russell
Posted 2012-May-15, 23:39
heading bar there is a clickable (mark this forum read) function. Now when you "view new content" the gib discussion won't appear.
You must obvisouly do this each time before you click 'view new content', not ideal but better

“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-June-07, 07:57
I have replaced by normal link in my homepage with
This link takes me to the forums while simultaneously marking the entire Chinese subforum as read. I'm sure it can be generalized to any subforum you want (not sure if you can do multiple ones). So that when clicking on "read new content" the subforum in question does not show up.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-November-14, 20:27
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-November-15, 11:21
Filtering View New Content is added in IP.Board 3.2. So if and when we upgrade the forum, you'll be able to do this (I think it works by opting in, not filtering out).
Posted 2012-November-15, 18:28
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-November-16, 10:26
There might be something you can do with a Javascript bookmarklet. I'll play around and let you know.
Posted 2012-November-16, 10:33
I think the simplest solution is just to create two bookmarks, one with forumid=63, another with forumid=65. Click one, then the other, and that will mark both read.
Posted 2012-November-16, 19:56
barmar, on 2012-November-16, 10:33, said:
I think the simplest solution is just to create two bookmarks, one with forumid=63, another with forumid=65. Click one, then the other, and that will mark both read.
Ok, thank you very much for looking into this--I'm just a hack at this sort of thing, so I didn't know if there was anything to do.
Never tell the same lie twice. - Elim Garek on the real moral of "The boy who cried wolf"
Posted 2012-November-20, 10:34
barmar, on 2012-November-16, 10:33, said:
I think the simplest solution is just to create two bookmarks, one with forumid=63, another with forumid=65. Click one, then the other, and that will mark both read.
There is an easier version, where you can mark all the Chinese post in both forums as marked. The advantage or disadvantage of this approach is that it will also mark all the "foreign language" (non-english) forums as read. To do it, you use the following hyperlink as the way to access to BBO forum.§ion=markasread&marktype=forum&forumid=52&returntoforumid=0&i=1
This way, all the content from the following nine forums will all be marked as read and will not show up when you click new content.
- 华人论坛
- 华娱世界
- Il forum per bridgisti italiani-
- Forum pro ceske a slovenske bridzisty
- Hungarian Forum
- Spanish Forum
- Türk oyuncular için Forum
- German Forum
- Ceske bridzove forum
Posted 2012-November-20, 11:09
inquiry, on 2012-November-20, 10:34, said:§ion=markasread&marktype=forum&forumid=52&returntoforumid=0&i=1
That was my first idea, but I tried it and it didn't work. I just tried it again, in case I made a mistake earlier, and it still fails.
Posted 2012-November-20, 11:17
barmar, on 2012-November-20, 11:09, said:
Strange, it works great for me... Can someone else try it and report here.
Posted 2012-November-20, 11:41
Which means this is probably not a good way to get to the forums in the first place -- if you want to mark everything in the category as read, you probably also want to hide the category.
Posted 2012-December-03, 23:49
Should I be able to click on "view new content" repeatedly once I have accessed the forums via this link and not get the
international content or do I need to click on the hyperlink then "view new content" each time?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2012-December-04, 10:18
When you use the link, it marks everything in the International Forum as read, so they shouldn't show up in View New Content at that moment. But if any new posts are made in the International forum after that, they'll show up as new content until the next time you use the link again.