Here's one missed by my pickup partner from the Sunday Swiss, that cost us a few imps.
♥ were trumps and East was dummy (me). There were no more minor suit cards remaining. Declarer scowled earlier when it was clear that trumps split 4-1 and certainly was aware of the trump loser. As dummy I'd expected her to play the 7♥ and then claim when South played a ♠, but she played A♠ and then South claimed and told her that she'd missed the endplay resulting in a confused look on her face. I've seen self rated W/C players miss similar 3 card endplays online. Perhaps they aren't concentrating or can't be bothered to count online or perhaps they aren't W/C.
Here's a very basic trump endplay missed by a declarer yesterday when I was kibbing. He was South and had bid too high in ♦ and was doubled and East had opened 1♦ so it was obvious where all the missing trumps were.
All South has to do is to play a low ♦ and then claim two tricks, but he cashed his ace and then east claimed.
Many N/B can improve their declarer play by becoming more aware of basic endplays.