lamford, on 2013-June-06, 04:36, said:
In this example, North's 7S is carefully avoiding taking any advantage of the UI.
It is the least likely best contract at that stage. So I am not inconsistent.
When reviewing the auction from Ns point of view, when south called 4D he has promised diamond control [as in first round?]. Well, that is a problem.
The nature of which becomes evident from the answer of this trick question:
What valid reason can N have to commit to 13 tricks when south has denied having first round control of clubs and N does not have first round control of clubs?
Answer to trick question: there is the expectation of north that S does have first round control of clubs.
Not a trick question:
How might N come by such an expectation in this case?
Answer to not a trick question:
Inferences from variations in south's manner.
Rub of the green can exist with 6S- but [once south dithers] cannot exist with 7S.