Posted 2013-July-29, 16:54
1. East may have a void: and if so it is probably in spades. We have a slight inference in that red v white, unless he is gaming us, he thinks he has play for 12 tricks and he didn't use keycard.
2. Even if we have 2 aces, it is unclear that partner will lead spades or diamonds. I think this remote since I expect partner to more often hold something like QJ9(x)(x) in spades than J109(x)(x) in clubs: the suit that, if led, would be a disaster for us.
So it seems to me that passing requires both that East has bid not just wildly but insanely and that partner will find the best lead. On balance, I tend to believe the opps and the last factor, that we need partner to avoid a club lead (he's never leading trump so that isn't a worry), tips me to the 6♠ bid.
Now, if East knows that I am aggressive in these situations, and thinks he needs a swing, he may just have landed a big fish with his lure. However, the conditions of contest suggest that E should be thinking the match is close, and throwing 13 imps away by making a silly red v white blast isn't 'wild', it's insane.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari