Unable to use bridge symbols ♣♦♥♠
Deal properties: Heading
Title summary frame 1
Screen Properties Subtitle
Suit symbols should be red in color for ♦♥ in the quiz section. This is gray right now.
Screen properties
Prefer hide button for N s e w hands, It will help to hide various hands.
Prefer insert auction above the text instead of below, may be anywhere.
preview mode
when show deal, show Text and quiz included in a frame, scroll bar is not working, unable to see and so cannot preview entire text.
May be floating Quiz window or designated area for Quiz and not overlap with text portion.
When making a lead single card in one frame, subsequent frames shows error for cards like illegal card play or illegal bid etc
illegal attempt to play that card error message. It is unclear how to remove the error message.
Need some easy way to override the error to save time.
file memory size
Default setting of next frame should be 5 or 6 minutes instead of 1 sec
Pause button should be active for Next frame also, to allow more time than prescribe to read all the text.
This post has been edited by A2003: 2013-January-28, 22:05