PhilKing, on 2013-September-23, 08:26, said:
I may be being a bit thick (I've just finished a long plane trip), but this is my line:
Trick 1: ♣A
2: ruff a ♣
3: ♦ to the jack
If that holds, ruff another club, draw trumps and claim. You have four hearts, three diamonds and three clubs, and you make 12 tricks if diamonds break. This must cover some extra bases, such as East holding a 4414.
If it loses, you have to hope that diamonds are not 4-1, but you have extra transportation by playing zero rounds of trumps. Incidentally, I don't accept that West would bid 2♠ with Kxxx and the diamond queen. You go off here, but stiff queen is the only fly in the ointment barring a 5-0 trump break. Strange how seeing all 52 cards can lead one's analysis astray.
Trick 1: ♣A
2: ruff a ♣
3: ♦ to the jack
If that holds, ruff another club, draw trumps and claim. You have four hearts, three diamonds and three clubs, and you make 12 tricks if diamonds break. This must cover some extra bases, such as East holding a 4414.
If it loses, you have to hope that diamonds are not 4-1, but you have extra transportation by playing zero rounds of trumps. Incidentally, I don't accept that West would bid 2♠ with Kxxx and the diamond queen. You go off here, but stiff queen is the only fly in the ointment barring a 5-0 trump break. Strange how seeing all 52 cards can lead one's analysis astray.