Trinidad, on 2014-April-13, 03:44, said:
Debating on the internet is so much fun, isn't it? I never sought the cause of the world's overpopulation in the ideas of a few popes in Rome.
The fact that I never made such an assertion would spoil your fun, but only if you actually intended to respond to me rather than the straw men you prefer to debate.
socio-economic factors of course predominate in how various people practice or don't practice birth control, and it is no wonder that some elements in the RC church are considering or advocating for a change in church doctrine. Say what one will about organized religions, but the successful ones learn to rewrite even core beliefs in the face of the need to do so or to lose too many adherents. See how Mormons recognized blacks as real people in the 1970s. See how the RC Church rejected geocentralism. See how that church has reluctantly, and in a deviously misleading way, accepted some form of Darwinian evolution. Now, since so many educated believers are ignoring what was formerly a very important church doctrine, church doctrine will likely change. Never underestimate the ability of religious leaders to change doctrine in order to maintain power.
The fact remains that ask any bishop or archbishop (and most priests and nuns outside of the western world) whether birth control is acceptable, and I would be amazed if most did not say it was not.
It is absurd for you to argue that the official position of the RC Church on contraception, abortion, the status of women, etc represents an extreme view of Christianity. That would be as absurd as my saying that the roman catholic church is representative of most sects in the religion...a position I do not hold. You seem to think that only someone with whose views you agree can be called a moderate. My view is that it is probably fair to say that maybe 10% at each end of the spectrum of views should be considered 'extreme'....maybe a higher percentage in large parts of the US with their bizarre evangelical churches, but around the world, I would think that 'moderate' incudes a wide range of views on many subjects and probably it is reasonable to consider that 'moderate' covers 60-80% of the spectrum. When you limit 'moderate' to a narrow segment whose ideas correspond with yours, you are being intellectually dishonest or naïve.
Strangely, your description of RC practice, as understood by you, matches my take on the true nature of religion and how it blinds its victims.
As I have said before, no Xian actually practices what they claim to be the word of god. More and more often excuses or rationalizations are used to allow the believer to ignore those parts of the religion that are inconvenient. I wish I could point you to the study of which I reads some time ago, in which psychologists determined that believers tended, strongly, to picture their god's views on topics as corresponding with their own. We invent our gods in our own image, not the other way around.
So the RC birth controlling people have managed to rationalize their view of what is moral even tho it contravenes the commands of the hierarchy of their church. In a similar vein, believers can rationalize away all of the other absurdities and inconsistencies between reality and what the church teaches, and from my reading, very few, if any, even realize what they are doing.
It is the tacit acceptance of this approach to reality that permits fundamentalists to exist. The difference between a believer and an atheist is qualitative. The difference between a moderate and an extremist believer is quantitative.