TWO4BRIDGE, on 2014-January-10, 16:19, said:
You can make 12 tricks if West makes the mistake of covering ( w/J ) the first ♣ lead ( 10 ) from South.
6h, 4c, 2s-ruffs .
Looking at it again, I don't think it even matters if West doesn't cover. Ruff the lead, ruff a diamond and run the
♣T (losing to king) or even just lead a low club from dummy..... Trump back looks best for the defense. Win in hand and take another club finesse (again, ducked). Now ruff a spade and start running clubs. East can now only ruff clubs twice, and doing so means the timing would now be correct to take the ruffing spade finesse after ruffing out the ace. If East does not ruff twice, then you will have 3 club tricks, 6 hearts and 3 spade ruffs. If East doesn't return a trump, it pretty much plays out the same, except East can now ruff 3 clubs, but then you can set up the spades if East ruffs clubs at every opportunity
South plays 6♥ West leads 5 of ♠.
Any solution please?