mike777, on 2016-March-04, 11:34, said:
To be fair this Duke guy has been out of the news for many many years...I think he was Grand Wizard, what 10 or 20 or 30 years ago?
True, but Trump says he has the best memory in the world, so that shouldn't be a problem for him. I don't have that great a memory for people and events, yet I knew he he was, and I don't aspire to the highest office in the land.
Actually, he left the Klan in 1980, and formed a new white supremacist organization, the NAAWP. After that he was pretty active in politics, including campaigns in the presidential primaries in 1988 and 1992, and the Tea Party urged him to run again in 2012. He was in the media in the 2000's. It seems like it's only been the last 5-10 years that he's been out of the public eye.
In any event I see OJ Simpson is back on all the cable news today, everything else including the GOP race is kicked off for OJ.
If it were a few weeks ago I'd suspect it was a publicity stunt for the TV miniseries about the OJ trial.