It was good to see so much live coverage of the actual process of counting and verifying the accuracy of the votes -- and of the folks doing that work. Yes, the process varies from state to state (more than I had imagined, I learned recently

), but my experiences in Michigan make me confident that the folks working the election, regardless of political orientation, want to obtain an accurate count. Poll watchers are fine, but both the republicans and democrats make sure that they have their own folks actually doing the counting and signing off on its accuracy.
The lies told by Trump and some of his toadies are
intended and designed to undermine the work of the honest citizens who care about preserving our electoral system. Trump and cohorts do want to substitute an authoritarian system because too much democracy threatens the oligarchy. Throwing out Trump is step one, but there is still a long way to go to repair the system.
Looking ahead, it seems to me that McConnell does not subscribe to the Trump nuttiness about Covid-19, so I'm hoping that even a divided government can work together on a national strategy to address the pandemic. Fixing roads, bridges, water, and sewer systems might be another such thing.
And let's immediately can the misleading slogan, "Defund the Police!" But maybe we could find ways to provide care for the mentally ill and drug addicts without relying on the police and the jails to deal with and warehouse folks who really need treatment.
The growth of wisdom may be gauged exactly by the diminution of ill temper. — Friedrich Nietzsche
The infliction of cruelty with a good conscience is a delight to moralists — that is why they invented hell. — Bertrand Russell