Winstonm, on 2023-January-10, 21:18, said:
Don't we have to change with the times? You mention your 1950 parents. They, as well as my parents, are dead. It seems misguided to set the party's sights on that group of people. I don't see the Democrats as radically left. What group you think they should be able to win over? I don't get your argument. That may well be because I am not on the east coast so I don't see moderates. This is ruby red Oklahoma. These people want to name highways for insurrection leader Donald Trump.
You have summarized the issue nicely (Although I did change your "radially" to radically"

Yes our parents are dead, yes times have changed, not entirely for the better, but people are still people. Our DNA hasn't altered or at least not all that much. The neighborhood kids still ride their bikes and play tag. Well, the parents now drive their eight-year-olds two blocks to a bus stop where a bus picks them up and takes them three blocks to school, that's seriously weird. Our housecleaner's daughter started dating when she was 13 (I started when I was 14, boys mature slower), she has grown into a fine young woman. So not that different from the 50s. Here is an important similarity. Over the years we have gotten to know Michelle, the housecleaner, pretty well, we chat about her life, her kids, our life, our kids and grandkids, but I have no idea who she votes for. Once upon a time people could be friends without first checking out their political leanings. If changing with the times means that I should ask Michelle who she voted for then that's a change I can pass over. She is a very sensible woman who, I am sure, would happily vote for a candidate who shares her values.
There are many echoes today of my days in the 50s, here is one. When Michelle's daughter was 13 an older boy, 16 perhaps, asked her to go to the school prom with him. Great, except they found out that school rules forbade 13-year-olds from going to this particular prom. Oh well. When I was 17 I was dating a 15-year-old from a different high school and I asked her to our prom. Oops. According to school rules I could bring a 15-year-old from my school or a 17-year-old from a different school but not a 15-year-old from a different school. So we borrowed a name from a 17-year-old friend from the other school, 15-year-old Kathy attended the prom as 17-year-old Susan and all was well.
I'll repeat my point. Times change, but people still have the same DNA.
One more example. My mother's friend May often came over and the two women sat at the kitchen table drinking beer and chatting. May's daughter Shirley went to Holy Spirit, a Catholic grade school, I went to Randolph Heights, a public grade school. May explained to my mother that she really should have Kenny transfer to Holy Spirit, it's so much better, Shirley is already taking something called "algebra". My mother explained that we were not Catholic so we would not be doing that. That settled the matter. I can imagine two mothers talking today and one of them bragging that her child's school is so much better, her child has Drag Story Time. Well, no, I can't imagine it.
My parents are dead, your parents are dead, people are still people.