The auction is, as you can imagine, not exactly the same as given in the auction, but it is irrelevant. On the low heart lead, declarer tables their cards and claims 13 tricks without a statement. NS call the director showing Jxx of clubs which will block the club suit so if declarer cashes diamonds first, there will be no entry to the clubs in dummy.
(Actually, NS called the director a few boards later, but I don't really think that should be the point of this thread.)
I don't really care about the legal aspect of this ruling, so I am not posting it in the Laws thread. As far as I can gather, it is a judgement ruling (whether or not starting with the diamonds is irrational or merely careless), and it would not be shocking if the TD ruled down 1. Assuming this to be the case,
- Would you call the director here? (aka "Would you want to win like this??") If not, what would you do?
- Would you be upset if your opponents called the director on you?
- As a 3rd party, would you regard someone who calls the director here as unethical (perhaps some people say "I wouldn't be upset if they call the director on me because ultimately I should have been more careful. but I consider it shady")? Does it matter where this happens?
- Anything else?
I actually am quite happy about this case since now I can point to it if someone accuses me of uncritically accepting everything the Sheriff postulates.