This is from the Monday afternoon November 2 afternoon Common Game. (
You are called to the table and told East revoked at trick 6, pitching his singleton club.
Opening lead was a diamond to West's queen. Declarer ducked twice, won the third diamond, then cashed three top spades, with East's revoke occurring on the third spade.
Declarer switched to clubs at trick 7. West won the ace, returned a diamond, East cashed out diamonds and the spade 9 (which should have been played on the third spade). 6 tricks for the defense, 7 tricks for declarer, down 2 in 3NT.
The Law 64A2 penalty is a one trick transfer, resulting in down 1 instead of down 2. What does the Law 64C (equity) lead you to rule as a result if you are the Director if West is:
(a) a moderate Flight C player with a year of experience, or
(b) a low to average level Flight B player, or
(c ) a high level Flight B or low level Flight A player