Shugart23, on 2016-January-09, 17:16, said:
helene_t, on 2016-January-09, 17:53, said:
12-14 if I have less than 15 points
15-17 otherwise
In a somewhat different vein, suppose M and M' are two different legal meanings of a call c and that
c =
M if P is true
M' otherwise,
where P is a proposition not necessarily about bridge, e.g. one of
* 'Holocaust took place.' (almost universally accepted as true)
* 'Global warming is real.' (slightly more controversial, perhaps)
* 'God exists.' (many believe it, many don't)
* 'Peanuts are nuts.' (I was recently shocked to find out they're not)
* 'Justin Bieber just broke up with Selena Gomez.' (an annoying bit of trivia if true, but according to Wikipedia they had already broken up in 2013)
* some lofty mathematical result (not open to debate, but not exactly common knowledge either)
Would someone playing this be required to state whether they believed P to be true?
(c could also be a defensive signal, of course)