Looking at the traveler today, I noticed one guy in 6D making an overtrick. That seemed strange, so I looked at his movie. Click next to see an unbelievable first trick. Yes, West played third hand deuce and the C5 in dummy won trick one!
But wait! It gets worse!! After pulling trump in three rounds (With East pitching a small S and H) and then leading the SA & K to pitch the CJ and a H, he continued with the SQ to pitch a H. East "unblocked" the SJ so he could then play his remaining low S on the ten from dummy!!! That let North pitch all four of his Hs and take all the tricks. The East and West robots acted like they were well paid to throw this hand to the "lucky" winner.
Grotesque robot plays like these are an embarrassment to BBO. I hope BBO will soon offer Decision Point tournaments to eliminate robot problems, and to eliminate luck too, so Decision Point tournaments will be tests of skill: http://www.bridgebas...nt-tournaments/