I've developed a dealing machine file verify and translate utility. The current version accepts two input files, verifies them to determine whether they represent the same board set, and, when there is a third file and the board sets match, reformats the inputs to create an output file in the specified format. Now, the supported formats are as follows:
*.ALL: DEAL305 format ( rw )
*.BRE: Autodealer format ( rw )
*.BRI: Duplimate format ( rw )
*.CSV: Comma Separated Values text format ( rw )
*.DGE: Duplimate format ( rw )
*.DLM: Duplimate for Windows format ( r )
*.DUP: Duplimate format ( rw )
*.HRF: Duplimate Hand Record Format ( rw )
*.HDM: Hand Dealer for Macintosh ( r )
*.PBN: Portable Bridge Notation format ( rw )
*.RBN: Richard's Bridge Notation format ( rw )
Any help with adding *.LIN, *.GIB, or other interesting formats would be appreciated.
The intended objective focuses on dealing machine operations. Given two files for the same event and session, the utility can verify them against one another---potentially helpful if there is some confusion about the correct file to use for dealing the boards. Also of occasional helpfulness, possessed of a dealing machine file in a format alien to one's dealing machine, this utility may provide a reformatted file for the same board set in a form acceptable to the dealing machine.
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Dealing Machine File Verify and Translate Utiliut New PERL dealing machine file verify and convert utility
Posted 2017-August-17, 21:11
Brian Potter
e-mail: ClioBridgeGuy >at< att >dot< net
URL: Bridge at the Village
Bridge is more than just a card game. It is a cerebral sport. Bridge teaches you logic, reasoning, quick thinking, patience, concentration, and partnership skills.
- Martina Navratilova
Brian Potter
e-mail: ClioBridgeGuy >at< att >dot< net
URL: Bridge at the Village
Bridge is more than just a card game. It is a cerebral sport. Bridge teaches you logic, reasoning, quick thinking, patience, concentration, and partnership skills.
- Martina Navratilova
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