I don't love the definition of 1nt or North's choice to use it.
- 1nt is still 6-9, I don't see much point on bidding with 3 Qs. Passing this crap is fine, especially vul. 1nt freely IMO should be more like 8-9 or 8-bad 10.
- doesn't deny 5cd M or 5 cd d? Surely it should deny these, 4 at most. I suppose bypassing bad 4 cd major in a 4333 hand is OK.
- if it's going to bid I'd rather it bid 1s, at least put the doubler on lead if end in 1nt. But IMO it's a pass.
Also, how does West have enough to double a 2nd time without a wire from East? Shouldn't the 2nd double show more?