Matchpoints; Table Result 7♥-1, lead QS.
The Rabbit missorted his hand again as West. He had been watching Late Night Poker and noted that he had a straight flush in diamonds. He was just about alert enough to realise that this was of little value in bridge. SB, South, was playing with Molly the Mule, who always played that 4NT was Simple Blackwood, and she showed her two aces. SB thought the contract would be at least 52% and could be cold, so tried 7H. RR, West, led the queen of spades and South won and led the queen of hearts. The rabbit showed out, discarding the three of diamonds. SB conceded one off, bemoaning his bad luck. The Chimp, East, suspected what had happened, but was quick to move on to the next board. SB discovered the revoke at the end of the session, within the correction period, and suggested to OO that RR could have known that his non-established revoke would damage declarer, but OO did not think that RR could have been aware of anything. OO wondered if an adjustment should be made under 71B, but ChCh was quick to point out that declarer could have lost a trick to the king of hearts by "normal" play. A 50% line instead of a 52% line was clearly normal play.
How do you rule on this genuine case (with some embellishment)?