Note that EW could make 5D, but not 5S, while NS’ 5H was cold.
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Freak hands
Posted 2018-April-19, 20:33
North’s opening lead was the A of Clubs. He then shifted to the 9 of Hearts, probably asking for a shift to a higher suit? I, as South, took with the A, then shift to a Diamond, which North ruffed for a result of 11 IMPs for our side.
Note that EW could make 5D, but not 5S, while NS’ 5H was cold.
Note that EW could make 5D, but not 5S, while NS’ 5H was cold.
Posted 2018-April-20, 02:52
A couple of comments on the bidding:
- With seven hearts and five clubs, I would not be treating North's hand as Michaels - for me this shows two suits of equal length of longer clubs. I would have over-called in hearts.
- I am not sure why south is doing so much bidding? Surely you fully described your hand when you bid 4♥? After that, I think that you should pass and allow North to compete further (he will with so much playing strength).
- With seven hearts and five clubs, I would not be treating North's hand as Michaels - for me this shows two suits of equal length of longer clubs. I would have over-called in hearts.
- I am not sure why south is doing so much bidding? Surely you fully described your hand when you bid 4♥? After that, I think that you should pass and allow North to compete further (he will with so much playing strength).
Posted 2018-April-23, 09:32
Tramticket, on 2018-April-20, 02:52, said:
- With seven hearts and five clubs, I would not be treating North's hand as Michaels - for me this shows two suits of equal length of longer clubs. I would have over-called in hearts.
Curiously, I had exactly this shape yesterday after an opposing 1♠ opening bid, albeit a rather stronger hand! ♠A ♥AKQJ1086 ♦- ♣Q8765. Game all, imps. Would you also overcall in hearts here rather than treating the hand as two-suited? FWIW, I agree the hand is basically single-suited, but I couldn't think of an appropriate number of hearts to bid..... (I was also reminded of another recent thread entitled something like "they stole my 2C opening".)
Posted 2018-April-23, 10:40
I agree on the bidding comments. I prefer 2❤️ (stronger than 3❤️, as I usually play) overcall.
1♠️ 2❤️ 4♠️ P
P 5♣️ 5♠️
...seems reasonable. South never has a bid, in my view. Can North bid 5♣️? On the one hand, he has no defence to 4♠️ and maybe should bid it. On the other hand, with 2/2 in ❤️/♣️ in the S hand, N might be massacred at this vulnerability if playing in ♣️.
The pass of 5♠️ is a textbook example of the Bols tip that, “The five level belongs to the opponents.”
At MPs I double, because you have to protect against being denied 4/5❤️ (though in mixed room, I suspect that many will be allowed to play in 4/5❤️, so your +100 for a good pass and excellent defence will score average minus at best. Perfect Par Bridge frequently goes unrewarded at Pairs.)
But, is it a good double at IMPs? Not sure.
1♠️ 2❤️ 4♠️ P
P 5♣️ 5♠️
...seems reasonable. South never has a bid, in my view. Can North bid 5♣️? On the one hand, he has no defence to 4♠️ and maybe should bid it. On the other hand, with 2/2 in ❤️/♣️ in the S hand, N might be massacred at this vulnerability if playing in ♣️.
The pass of 5♠️ is a textbook example of the Bols tip that, “The five level belongs to the opponents.”
At MPs I double, because you have to protect against being denied 4/5❤️ (though in mixed room, I suspect that many will be allowed to play in 4/5❤️, so your +100 for a good pass and excellent defence will score average minus at best. Perfect Par Bridge frequently goes unrewarded at Pairs.)
But, is it a good double at IMPs? Not sure.
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