Posted 2018-October-11, 11:46
Assuming we are playing in an environment in which most play a strong 1N, we have wrong-sided the contract. I have never understood any pair would open this sort of hand 1S in a strong 1N method....not only is one often wrong-siding the notrump, but opener has an horrendous rebid problem over a 1N response, especially in a 2/1 method. Of course, some pairs can solve this by a slow, tortured 2C, promising extras. Just kidding (well, no...not kidding, I have seen this)
As for the play, this is one of those hands where it is impossible, for me at any rate, to make up my mind as to how I will cater to all eventualities. I win a top heart, spurning the finesse, since losing the hook will leave me poorly placed if/when they switch to a diamond and EST does not have the 10.
I play spade to the Ace and then towards the jack.
I need to know what happens at that point
If the hook wins, I cash the King....if rho follows, then I have 5 spade tricks and I will stop playing spades immediately, since I don't want to make any more pitches from my hand than is necessary. I'd probably advance a low club towards my hand: it will be difficult for RHO to rise with the Queen if he lacks the Ace.
But the odds are that spades are not sitting that I'd need to know what happened before committing to my line.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari