I don't understand the bidding. Did South jump to 3
♣? Or why did South make a minimum rebid with a 19-count? And why did North find enough to jump to 3NT but pass initially?
If North really has the values to jump to 3NT, I don't think that you are beating this!
The following analysis makes no account for this auction, since I don't believe it:
phoenixmj, on 2019-May-19, 14:05, said:
Now it is east's turn to lead. What is the best lead and why?
There can be no value now in continuing hearts. I would not have led a heart when South has shown 5+. If I did choose to lead a heart I would not have led the 9 (I would lead the 7 in our methods).
I probably would have lead a club (the six) at trick one. There is a good case for switching to a club now (dummy has shown up with only three), but declarer has played the suit himself - suggesting that he is not worried about clubs.
Although partner is likely to have some length in spades, so is declarer and declarer is playing spades himself.
Diamonds looks the best switch and I would try the
♦Q hoping to set up diamond tricks for partner.