steve2005, on 2019-November-09, 20:02, said:
Of course they can BBO ACBL tournaments are open to all.
Of course without an ACBL number the points won't get registered.
As an exception, I believe the upcoming NABC Robot individual tournament only ACBL members are allowed to register.
The formulation of my question turned out to be inadequate, probably because it was based on that exception. Before I managed to ask more properly,
diana_eva has properly answered (thanks
After that, I went to ACBL website and started reading... I've been thinking and decided to discuss a bit here, before I write to them. It's an internet forum, after all...
But before I go deeper into the issue, just a short inquiry:
steve2005, on 2019-November-09, 20:02, said:
Of course without an ACBL number the points won't get registered.
Won't get registered in ACBL, or at all?
I mean, if somebody plays ACBL Masterpoint Tournaments on BBO (and earns some points), without having (or without reporting) their ACBL number - the ACBL database of course will know nothing about that points. But BBO CAN keep the internal record about that player's "ACBL points" (separate from general balance which records all player's masterpoints earned on BBO). And that "ACBL points" balance CAN be visible in player's profile.
Does BBO do that?