Playing today's tournament I was in 6D and after the lead it was 6D+1
I called for 13 tricks and was frozen because oppos did not want to agree.
And did not want to play.
Calling judge plenty of times.
Messages that judge is coming and nothing goes.
Yes there is the judge.
Judge is telling something and I am out of the tournament.
And I cannot get to BBO.
Is this normal in BBO?
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It means like "i do not want to name it" I am very frustrated
Posted 2020-October-05, 18:19
Hi Jazzek,
It is quite normal that claims cause problems, unfortunately. Some players don't understand claims in general, and some don't understand a particular claim, even a very simple one.
What might have happened is that one opp accepted the claim and then went walking his dog because he thought the board was over, while the other opp refused the claim.
That the TD booted you (if that is what happened) sounds very wrong. He may have misunderstood the situation and somehow thought that it was you who was staling.
That you couldn't get back into BBO I don't understand. That a TD bans you from his tournaments happens to all of us for silly reasons, but being banned from BBO shouldn't happen unless you have done something very bad (say threatening someone).
It is quite normal that claims cause problems, unfortunately. Some players don't understand claims in general, and some don't understand a particular claim, even a very simple one.
What might have happened is that one opp accepted the claim and then went walking his dog because he thought the board was over, while the other opp refused the claim.
That the TD booted you (if that is what happened) sounds very wrong. He may have misunderstood the situation and somehow thought that it was you who was staling.
That you couldn't get back into BBO I don't understand. That a TD bans you from his tournaments happens to all of us for silly reasons, but being banned from BBO shouldn't happen unless you have done something very bad (say threatening someone).
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2020-October-06, 06:26
helene_t, on 2020-October-05, 18:19, said:
It is quite normal that claims cause problems, unfortunately. Some players don't understand claims in general, and some don't understand a particular claim, even a very simple one.
What might have happened is that one opp accepted the claim and then went walking his dog because he thought the board was over, while the other opp refused the claim.
That the TD booted you (if that is what happened) sounds very wrong. He may have misunderstood the situation and somehow thought that it was you who was staling.
That you couldn't get back into BBO I don't understand. That a TD bans you from his tournaments happens to all of us for silly reasons, but being banned from BBO shouldn't happen unless you have done something very bad (say threatening someone).
What might have happened is that one opp accepted the claim and then went walking his dog because he thought the board was over, while the other opp refused the claim.
That the TD booted you (if that is what happened) sounds very wrong. He may have misunderstood the situation and somehow thought that it was you who was staling.
That you couldn't get back into BBO I don't understand. That a TD bans you from his tournaments happens to all of us for silly reasons, but being banned from BBO shouldn't happen unless you have done something very bad (say threatening someone).
This happened in "Happy Bridge Club"

It was a very obvious claim and it was board 4, so nobody thought the tourney was over. Jazzek is registered as 'Withdraw', I don't know if BBO makes a distinction between those who leave a tournament and those who are booted by director. One of the two opponents also 'withdrew' and was replaced by a substitute. The opponent who remained was less experienced and had previously made at least one dubious bid. So it looks as if an opponent left without accepting the claim or was booted by director. Which still doesn't explain why jazzek was booted.
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