Posted 2021-January-27, 16:26
♠87 ♥86 ♦J106 ♣AKT986
after a 1♦ opening bid by Partner and silent opponent.
2 ♣ is GF and 3♣ is invitational with 9 to 12 points (Hardy). I excluded the non forcing 1NT bid for obvious reasons.
Posted 2021-January-27, 16:31
If partner has a vanilla hand and is unable to move over my 1NT, I am fine with it. I realise that occasionally our side will miss out on game (when cards fit perfectly) but I am fine with taking that risk.
Posted 2021-January-27, 16:47
Posted 2021-January-27, 16:51
Laplace0, on 2021-January-27, 16:26, said:
♠87 ♥86 ♦J106 ♣AKT986
after a 1♦ opening bid by Partner and silent opponent.
2 ♣ is GF and 3♣ is invitational with 9 to 12 points (Hardy). I excluded the non forcing 1NT bid for obvious reasons.
Given your methods, I think that either 3♣ or 1NT is reasonable
Those club intermediates (the T986) are incredibly valuable for a 3NT contract
Posted 2021-January-27, 16:54
8 points is a quite pesimistic evaluation of this hand. You have JT in partner's suit and T98 in your own suit. Those intermediates would be worth some 2-3 points if you had a major suit fit. As it happens you (almost certainly) have a minor suit fit (maybe double fit) so you should not upgrade quite as aggressively, but still. If partner bids 3NT or 6♦ I would not be ashamed of laying this hand down as dummy.
You have a cold 5♦ opposite AKxx-x-KQxxx-Qxx and a good 3NT opposite QJx-QT9-AKxx-Qxx, both of which would pass a 1NT response (OK, the first might rebid 2♣ over 1NT so maybe a dubious example).
OK, those two hands were made up and you can of course always construct a perfect minimum for partner, so it's not so much that a 1NT response may miss game. It's more that you want to compete to 3♣ over opps' 2♥ or 2♠ contract, and you want partner to be able to sacrifice against a 4♥ or 4♠ contract if they have a suitable hand.
But most pairs require a tad more than this for a 3♣ response. You don't really want to invite opposite a balanced 12-14.
So 1NT is the normal response. I suppose the "obvious" reasons is that you don't want to play notrumps from you own hand, but that's something you have to live with if you decided to play a natural approach-forcing system with wide-ranging 1-level opening - except for the 1♣-1NT auction, the 1NT response does not promise a balanced hand and does certainly not show honours in the unbid suits. It's just a point count, basically. That it's non-forcing just means that due to a flaw in the system, partner will sometimes have to gamble that 1NT is a reasonable contract.
Posted 2021-January-28, 06:45
I bid 3C, slight overbid

Posted 2021-January-28, 07:08
Laplace0, on 2021-January-28, 06:45, said:
I bid 3C, slight overbid

That's 14 cards 2372, 1N-4 is a bargain against 4♠, why are you doubling with possibly only one defensive trick if partner has some clubs ?
Posted 2021-January-28, 08:14
Laplace0, on 2021-January-28, 06:45, said:
I bid 3C, slight overbid

3♣ is a perfectly reasonable bid
Why did you ever double?
You've already said your piece.
Posted 2021-January-28, 09:08
I echo everyone else on the double. When you've shown your values, especially when you've overshown your values, now is the time to let partner make the decision.
Posted 2021-January-28, 10:16
Laplace0 '2 ♣ is GF and 3♣ is invitational with 9 to 12 points (Hardy). I excluded the non forcing 1NT bid for obvious reasons.'
I rank
1. 1N NAT For obvious reasons
2. 3♣ NAT 9-12 HCP Slight overbid but might right-side 3N.
3. 2♣ G/F Gross overbid.