Your call
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Lucky guess
Posted 2021-July-02, 19:05
I would never be guessing. Anytime we encounter a defence to our 1N (edited due to typo saying 2N) with which we are unfamiliar we discuss a defence to the defence
Our general approach to this sort of defence is to assume, for our initial action, that they are showing the one suiter. Thus for us 2N as showing clubs is pretty automatic.
Our general approach to this sort of defence is to assume, for our initial action, that they are showing the one suiter. Thus for us 2N as showing clubs is pretty automatic.
'one of the great markers of the advance of human kindness is the howls you will hear from the Men of God' Johann Hari
Posted 2021-July-02, 21:29
I see zero reason to not begin with x and introduce clubs later. I really want to give partner an idea of our distribution in case 3n is not a viable contract. Using 3c as a GF runs the risk of missing out on a vastly superior dia fit in case 3n is not a viable contract.
Posted 2021-July-03, 08:57
What's the chance this is getting passed out? Partner needs Ax or actual diamonds (or she'll protect with a double), and east needs to gamble, which is highly unlikely (probably has to either be "my diamonds are better than your major" or "I'm heavy majors, I bet he's minors, let's see if we get away with this". If they do pull off the (semi-)psychic passout, especially if it's the "misfit" auction, there's a chance it goes for 400 anyway. At teams, 300 isn't bad, and 200 doesn't lose the farm.
Our meta-agreements are "double is diamonds, we can bid directly (assuming Hearts) if we want to make it harder for the opponents to know what they have, or pass and lebensohl around the suit they eventually show." I'll take the risk, in case of AKJxxx.
Our meta-agreements are "double is diamonds, we can bid directly (assuming Hearts) if we want to make it harder for the opponents to know what they have, or pass and lebensohl around the suit they eventually show." I'll take the risk, in case of AKJxxx.
When I go to sea, don't fear for me, Fear For The Storm -- Birdie and the Swansong (tSCoSI)
Posted 2021-July-03, 11:25
Harry Smith's Lockdown teams. I guessed 3N. West led a ♥ won by ♥Q.
Bad news: 3N was one-down. Declarer's guesses weren't so lucky
Good news: team-mates made 4♥ by West
Bad news: 3N was one-down. Declarer's guesses weren't so lucky
Good news: team-mates made 4♥ by West
Posted 2021-July-03, 14:15
Would have been clever when the heart Q holds and RHO contributes the J to overtake with the K, feigning an original holding of K109x. West could decide when in with the spade A that a cash out might salvage an IMP if south has KJ10x of spades and Qx in diamonds. When he plays the heart A, what is poor East to do but continue to unblock, allowing South to also score the 9.🤪
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
Posted 2021-July-03, 14:33
I'm probably missing something major, but given West overcalled, he is likely to have all three aces and certainly at least two of them. Playing for that layout, upon winning the heart queen which gives declarer a seventh trick, doesn't playing through West in spades and diamonds guarentee the contract? If West flies up with either ace, that immediately establishes two tricks in the suit. If West ducks the spade, come back to hand in clubs and lead a diamond. I think West is powerless given declarer has a second heart stop. How did declarer play it?
Posted 2021-July-03, 15:26
AL78, on 2021-July-03, 14:33, said:
I'm probably missing something major, but given West overcalled, he is likely to have all three aces and certainly at least two of them. Playing for that layout, upon winning the heart queen which gives declarer a seventh trick, doesn't playing through West in spades and diamonds guarentee the contract? If West flies up with either ace, that immediately establishes two tricks in the suit. If West ducks the spade, come back to hand in clubs and lead a diamond. I think West is powerless given declarer has a second heart stop. How did declarer play it?
Prize for leading ♥Ax
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