Test Your Mettle When room gets crowded
Posted 2021-September-29, 16:50
Posted 2021-September-29, 16:54
Winstonm, on 2021-September-29, 16:50, said:
Posted 2021-September-30, 02:01
However, 3♥ to show an initial preference for ♥ (either 3 small or with honour(s)) as here may be preferable looking to play a slam in the Moysian fit or convert to NT later.
Subsequent bids are then
3♠ - denies a ♠ stopper with a weakish ♥ suit
3NT - weakish ♥ suit ♠ stopper choice of games.
4♦ - 3+♦ GF given the extras
4♣ - 5+♣ with a singleton
4♥ -I have 2./3 top honours.
Posted 2021-September-30, 02:16
Posted 2021-September-30, 08:49
Posted 2021-September-30, 08:51
Cyberyeti, on 2021-September-30, 02:16, said:
What if your partner shows up with: KQ, AJ98x, xx, KQJ10?
Posted 2021-September-30, 10:53
Winstonm, on 2021-September-30, 08:51, said:
That's about a king worse than the original hand in terms of trick taking potential (the 5th club is a pretty much certain extra trick), I'd pass 4N with that assuming when I showed "extras" with 3♣ 15 was about minimum.
K&R gives 18/16.8 so closer than I assess it, but I think enough difference.
Posted 2021-September-30, 11:40
Cyberyeti, on 2021-September-30, 10:53, said:
K&R gives 18/16.8 so closer than I assess it, but I think enough difference.
Maybe I'm just old fashioned (maybe

Posted 2021-September-30, 14:17
nige1, on 2021-September-30, 13:27, said:
1. 3♠ = 4SFG. When partner bypasses 3N, your hand improves.
2. 4N = INV.
I wondered about that, but how are you planning to continue if partner has nothing more to show and rebids a default 4♥?
Count me for a natural 4N. Even if you don't play some form of kickback, you have 4♣ to agree clubs first so it doesn't make much sense to play 4NT as keycard.
Posted 2021-September-30, 16:08
nige1, on 2021-September-30, 13:27, said:
I rank
1. 3♠ = 4SFG. When partner bypasses 3N, your hand improves.
Interesting, but I don't see what it has to do with 2/1, however you define no-frills.
3♠ no longer needs to force to game (2♦ did that) and is basically a stopper ask here IMO.
I would raise hearts inviting a control-bid, although I recognise that is not mainstream and mikeh will say I am masterminding again.
Posted 2021-September-30, 16:49
Cyberyeti, on 2021-September-30, 12:25, said:
Frankly, I am surprised anyone is thinking about a NT contract with partner describing a 2 suited hand and my holdings in his presumed weak suits are only Axxx, and Qxxxx. Sure, not both suits are open but one may be and if so the clubs don't have to be running. In other words, it looks like a suit contract is better - at least to me.
Posted 2021-September-30, 16:54
pescetom, on 2021-September-30, 16:08, said:
3♠ no longer needs to force to game (2♦ did that) and is basically a stopper ask here IMO.
I would raise hearts inviting a control-bid, although I recognise that is not mainstream and mikeh will say I am masterminding again.
I don't think it masterminding at all. There is no reason to believe that a NT contract is better and partner could still hold a 64 hand while a 5-2 may play just as well if not better than NT. Another reason I like 3H is that it gives partner a chance to continue to tell us how much he likes his hand, and personally I don't think responder has enough to unilaterally commit this hand to any slam.
Posted 2021-September-30, 17:42
At any rate I'd bid 3♠, fourth suit. 3♥ would show 3 of them, and I don't have any other bid. I'm not exactly eager to play 6NT, even if partner has extras, so 4NT is a distant second.
If partner is lacking a spade stopper they might have a problem - say 2=5=2=4 or even 3=5=1=4 with weak spades. Especially if partner has extras that might be awkward to bid. But my alternatives are hardly better. And with, say, 5=5 (hearts-clubs) or 1=5=3=4, partner can explain precisely what they're holding. Now that I think about it, partner might even try 4♦ on the '2=5=2=4, weak spades, extras'-hand, because those extras have to lie in diamonds.
This auction is an example of really needing good partnership understanding. Does 3♣ show extra values - or perhaps a minimum with a fifth club? If partner bids 3NT over 3♠, does that show an OK 14 points, or is a reasonable 17 still in the picture? And even on the shown bidding problem: does 3♥ promise 3-card support?
Over 3♠, I intend to pass 3NT, correct 4♣ to 4♥ (this shows a not-necessarily-strong 5=5 for me), pass 4♥, and get very excited if partner bids anything else. On a bad day 3NT is cold and 4♥ a disaster.
Posted 2021-September-30, 17:57
DavidKok, on 2021-September-30, 17:42, said:
.. if partner has extras that might be awkward to bid ..
Does 3♣ show extra values - or perhaps a minimum with a fifth club? If partner bids 3NT over 3♠, does that show an OK 14 points..
I suspect you might have missed the part of the first post where 3♣ promised extras.
Posted 2021-September-30, 20:17
Posted 2021-September-30, 20:48
DavidKok, on 2021-September-30, 17:42, said:
At any rate I'd bid 3♠, fourth suit. 3♥ would show 3 of them, and I don't have any other bid. I'm not exactly eager to play 6NT, even if partner has extras, so 4NT is a distant second.
If partner is lacking a spade stopper they might have a problem - say 2=5=2=4 or even 3=5=1=4 with weak spades. Especially if partner has extras that might be awkward to bid. But my alternatives are hardly better. And with, say, 5=5 (hearts-clubs) or 1=5=3=4, partner can explain precisely what they're holding. Now that I think about it, partner might even try 4♦ on the '2=5=2=4, weak spades, extras'-hand, because those extras have to lie in diamonds.
This auction is an example of really needing good partnership understanding. Does 3♣ show extra values - or perhaps a minimum with a fifth club? If partner bids 3NT over 3♠, does that show an OK 14 points, or is a reasonable 17 still in the picture? And even on the shown bidding problem: does 3♥ promise 3-card support?
Over 3♠, I intend to pass 3NT, correct 4♣ to 4♥ (this shows a not-necessarily-strong 5=5 for me), pass 4♥, and get very excited if partner bids anything else. On a bad day 3NT is cold and 4♥ a disaster.
3C shows extras. A 2H rebid does not promise 6. Opener can be 54,55,64,65, or even 66.
Posted 2021-September-30, 21:15
Winstonm, on 2021-September-30, 20:48, said:
2♥ doesn't *promise* 6, but you'd still bid it with virtually all 6-4 hands, wouldn't you? If partner continues with 2♠ or 2N, your next 3♣ bid now shows the 6-4; if partner bids 3♣ you're also happy, while if you hear a 3♦ rebid you probably don't want to show 4 clubs anyway.
Posted 2021-October-01, 01:46
Winstonm, on 2021-September-30, 16:49, said:
If partner is 2524/3514 I may well want to play 4N/6N, partner will show extra shape here if he has it, so we're likely to play in a suit opposite 6♥ or 5♣ or 3♦.
Winstonm'How do you bid? As usual, the system no-frills 2/1.
3C by opener shows extras.'
I rank
1. 3♠ = 4SFG. When partner bypasses 3N, your hand improves.
2. 4N = INV.