mikeh, on 2022-December-06, 06:49, said:
Since there have been no further answers: I’d play east for Kx In spades and the diamond Ace being doubleton in either hand. I can force an entry to dummy in hearts, to take the spade hook.
If east wins the heart ace and switches to a low diamond, I’d have to consider flying with the King, but I’ll cross that bridge if and when I get there….I’d definitely want to know their notrump range…three aces and the spade Kx, plus maybe one or two Jacks, would be a strong 1N.
If west has the heart Ace and ducks (which would be a bad play given trick one), I will make with Kx in trump onside and any 3-2 diamond break or stiff ace.
OK, I don't think you get the best odds here, W in fact has the heart ace and this is now a morton's fork situation. If he takes the ace, he has to return another heart to give you any issues, now you discard 2 diamonds and play a diamond towards the K, you can afford a trump loser, the danger is promoting the trump 10 with the 4th heart.
If he ducks as he did at the table, you pitch your second heart on the club, lead a diamond towards hand and with diamonds 3-2 with the ace onside you just lose 2 diamonds and a spade.
In fact (EW playing a strong NT) E has a 3325 weak NT so there is never a problem as long as you play for
♦ ace onside rather than doubleton K
♠ onside.