2D to show a minimum after 2C GF response
Posted 2023-November-10, 11:47
I've noticed that some players from out of town are now taking this a step further by playing that after a 2♣ response, a 2♦ rebid by opener limits his hand to 12-14 (or similar), over which 2NT by responder asks opener to continue to describe his distribution (3M shows a 4 card major, 3N balanced etc). Any rebid except 2♦ now promises 15+ and seems to retain it's normal meaning, so 2M shows a 4 card major, 2N is presumably 18-19 balanced and so on.
Is this a known scheme with a name, or a variation on such?
Any thoughts on its validity compared to normal 2/1 follow-ups?
[My first thoughts, FWIW. I'm not very excited about the range split, although it would certainly be useful at times. The NT auction is more nebulous, but that probably does no harm in 3NT at MP.I can see the advantage of hiding responder's hand and making him declarer in NT. I'm a bit surprised they give up this advantage when a 4-4 major fit emerges - replying to 2NT in transfer would obtain this and other benefits it looks to me.]
Posted 2023-November-10, 12:20
Posted 2023-November-10, 14:41
- If you play 2♦ as a minimum, does this include 55 hands, and/or hands with a minimum in HCP but extra length in the major and decent playing strength? For all you know it could be a misfit auction, but showing extra shape immediately has advantages as well.
- In particular on 1♠-2♣; 2♦ do you want to exclude 4♥ hands from 2♦ perhaps, to let responder jump to the right game (3NT or 4♠) more often now that slam is remote?
- If 2♦ contains most/all minima, does it also contain other hands? E.g. does it do double duty as generic min or diamonds any, or perhaps include strong hands (say, 18-19 5M332) as well?
- What does 1M-2♣; 2NT show, now that minima make a waiting bid?
- 2♦ minimum, other bids natural and showing extras. Nonminima with diamonds rebid 3♦.
- Rebids are transfers.
- 2♦ minimum or diamonds, other bids natural.
- 2♦ minimum not containing hearts, 2♥ natural wide ranging, other bids natural and showing extras.
- One of the above but rebids of 2NT and up are transfers.
- 2NT is artificial and shows 5M5m.
- AMBRA-style: 2♦ minimum, 2♥ showing the other major (so 1♥-2♣; 2♥ shows spades), 2♠ showing 4(+)♦ and extras, 2NT showing 6(+)M (I don't remember where 18-19 BAL goes - I think it's 2♦ and if partner jumps to game you bid on).
- Have you considered inverting the scheme - 2♦ showing extras, higher bids showing a minimum and clarifying shape?
I've played some of the above and seen a number of variations on this. One big downside is that none of these schemes do well on 1M-2♦ or 1♠-2♥, so you are learning an entire new bidding system for a particular 2/1 GF auction. It is the most frequent one of the set, but still something you need sure footing for. At the very extreme you can play 1M-2♣ game forcing relay (a la GRAMMY, perhaps).
Posted 2023-November-11, 18:04
DavidKok, on 2023-November-10, 14:41, said:
The 1M-2♦ and 1♠-2♥ are already relatively well defined, game forcing with 5+ cards in the responding suit. (assuming hands with only 4♦ are handled with a 2♣ response, or a Jacoby 2NT response with 4+ cards in the major). You are already well on your way to a descriptive natural auction.
1M-2♣ auctions are very undefined. Usually 2+ clubs (could even be 0+??? if not playing Jacoby 2NT), balanced or unbalanced, may or may not have primary major suit support. As you note, it is the most frequent of the set, by a wide margin, so it makes sense to me to add some artificial complexity to clarify the holdings.
Posted 2023-November-12, 23:01
Posted 2023-November-13, 06:13
johnu, on 2023-November-11, 18:04, said:
As a minor footnote, I played 1M-2♣ 0+ that wasn't even forcing to game (it also contained 10-11 5(+)♥ over 1♠, and 10-12 balanced no-fit invitational over either major). This was arguably even more complicated than the game forcing options, but (I think because the auction was so rare) we didn't suffer significant losses on it even if things did go wrong occasionally.
Posted 2023-November-13, 10:10
mw64ahw, on 2023-November-12, 23:01, said:
Thanks. I now remember reading that when it was written, but it was well over my head at the time.
I can see some merits (and defects) in this advancing scheme, but it is too memory intensive for any of my potential partners right now.
Posted 2023-November-13, 10:29
johnu, on 2023-November-11, 18:04, said:
1M-2♣ auctions are very undefined. Usually 2+ clubs (could even be 0+??? if not playing Jacoby 2NT), balanced or unbalanced, may or may not have primary major suit support. As you note, it is the most frequent of the set, by a wide margin, so it makes sense to me to add some artificial complexity to clarify the holdings.
You are certainly right about 1M-2♦ and 1♠-2♥ promising 5+cards being well defined and leading to descriptive more or less natural auctions and the players I mention have not given them up or changed them as far as I can see.
You alre also right about the higher frequency of 1X-2♣, of course, but if there is anything I would like to better clarify it is in the 1m-2♣ auctions rather than 1M-2♣ with primary major suit support, which work just fine in my experience (maybe hard to imagine if one is used to Jacoby 2NT or playing without Fast Arrival).
Although I guess that an advancing scheme like the one I describe in OP still has some merit if it enables us to leak less information to the opponents during routine game-only auctions, even though it will not often help us to reach more precise contracts as far as I can see (and sometimes the opposite).
Posted 2023-November-13, 10:37
Posted 2023-November-13, 10:42
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 10:10, said:
I can see some merits (and defects) in this advancing scheme, but it is too memory intensive for any of my potential partners right now.
I've tweaked it as you can see from the final comment on the article, and I find it structured to cover the various hand shapes so don't struggle with remembering. Minimum for me is 11/12-14 balanced or <14 not-balanced, but can be higher. 15-17 balanced go via 1NT so this is excluded.
Posted 2023-November-13, 10:45
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 10:29, said:
Although I guess that an advancing scheme like the one I describe in OP still has some merit if it enables us to leak less information to the opponents during routine game-only auctions, even though it will not often help us to reach more precise contracts as far as I can see (and sometimes the opposite).
I play balanced club, unbalanced diamond with 1♦-2♣ being 5(+) and GF. 1♦-2♣ is an awful start to the auction, and I think you should take any system advantage you can get. Playing a [5+ or 4441] 1♦, or an unbalanced 1♦, greatly simplifies matters. If your 1♦ is frequently balanced you might be reduced to some pretty unpleasant schemes. One popular alternative here at the moment is to use 1m-1NT as a game forcing relay, which frees up the 2♣ response for some other hand types. I think this 1NT is fine over 1♣ and bad over 1♦, but the current top circuit in the Netherlands seems to think it effective.
I also have one of the most complicated and detailed (but possibly also effective) continuations over 1♣-2♣ on file, in case you desperately need a headache. Among other things it includes a scheme for playing the 2M Moysian rather than 2NT or 3♣.
Posted 2023-November-13, 11:38
DavidKok, on 2023-November-10, 14:41, said:
Thanks, but devising a better mouse trap than this one is not on my radar for now: it would be an enticing project, but I already have a shelf full of completed projects which I haven't afflicted current partners with yet.
My interest was more to see if this one is something common but not on the books that had just not reached my neck of the woods yet (I gratefully remember the first time someone alerted and explained responder's rebid of 2♦ as "XYZ" and I nodded knowingly making a note to google it later

Although now we are discussing it, I am keen to understand its strengths and weaknesses and if we can defend better against it in some way.
Having said that...
DavidKok, on 2023-November-10, 14:41, said:
- If you play 2♦ as a minimum, does this include 55 hands, and/or hands with a minimum in HCP but extra length in the major and decent playing strength? For all you know it could be a misfit auction, but showing extra shape immediately has advantages as well.
- ..
- If 2♦ contains most/all minima, does it also contain other hands? E.g. does it do double duty as generic min or diamonds any, or perhaps include strong hands (say, 18-19 5M332) as well?
- What does 1M-2♣; 2NT show, now that minima make a waiting bid?
I think I would want to keep it simple and play 2♦ as a minimum (excluding inverting that too) without containing any strong hands. So 1M-2♣; 2NT would show the 18-19 5M332.
DavidKok, on 2023-November-10, 14:41, said:
I miss your point here. Why not keep it simple and show secondary hearts in a minimum hand, and what stops responder jumping to 3NT or 4♠ over 3♥?
If I was going to change something in this respect, I would rather bid 3♦ after 2NT to show hearts, so that responder with secondary suit fit and slam interest can complete the transfer at level (and rightside the contract, even if in this particular case opener's spades control will be no surprise).
Posted 2023-November-13, 14:50
could be a limit raise, so since I want to be able to
* stop in 2M if Responder has the limit raise
* use 2♥ as a GF relay over 1♥-2♣; 2♦ as well as over 1♠-2♣; 2♦,
* use 2♠ as a GF relay over 1♠-2♣; 2♥ as well as over 1♥-2♣; 2♥
I don't play any of the two "standard" variants
a) 1M-2♣; 2♦: includes most (all?*) hands on which Opener would like to stop in 2M opposite the limit raise
b) 1M-2♣; 2M = to play opposite the limit raise
but a mixture,
1♥-2♣; 2♥ = to play opposite the limit raise and the only way to stop below game
1♠-2♣; 2♦: includes all hands on which Opener would like to stop in 2♠ opposite the limit raise
Note that all auctions are GF unless Opener transfers to the other major.
Posted 2023-November-13, 15:03
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 11:38, said:
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 11:38, said:
If I was going to change something in this respect, I would rather bid 3♦ after 2NT to show hearts, so that responder with secondary suit fit and slam interest can complete the transfer at level (and rightside the contract, even if in this particular case opener's spades control will be no surprise).
Posted 2023-November-13, 16:16
DavidKok, on 2023-November-13, 15:03, said:
As a Director and Laws/Regulations influencer I am painfully aware of the negative inferences issue. I was thinking more about maybe interfering with opener's hignly probable weak rebid (2♦ as takeout over 2♣?), but I guess pairs at this level will already have decided how to handle that and take advantage too.
DavidKok, on 2023-November-13, 15:03, said:
I'm having a bad day as both posts and bridge results show, but sorry I still don't follow you.
Following my opponents' convention as I understand it:
1♠-2♣(GF); 2♦(min)-2NT(ask); 3♥-?
gives responder the information of a minimum 5=4=n=n which will identify any major fit and give a fair idea of what to risk if not. Yes they might well lack a minor stop, but going to 3NT without spelling it out is part of their approach and may well be advantageous overall at MP (I seem to remember you arguing much the same in the past).
Maybe the difference is that playing 1♠-2♣; 2♥ as a minimum (or 1♥-2♣; 2♠ as not) is not on my radar, whatever it hopes to achieve.
Posted 2023-November-13, 16:35
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 16:16, said:
pescetom, on 2023-November-13, 16:16, said:
Following my opponents' convention as I understand it:
1♠-2♣(GF); 2♦(min)-2NT(ask); 3♥-?
gives responder the information of a minimum 5=4=n=n which will identify any major fit and give a fair idea of what to risk if not. Yes they might well lack a minor stop, but going to 3NT without spelling it out is part of their approach and may well be advantageous overall at MP (I seem to remember you arguing much the same in the past).
Maybe the difference is that playing 1♠-2♣; 2♥ as a minimum (or 1♥-2♣; 2♠ as not) is not on my radar.
If 2♥ could have been a minimum so that 2♦ denies extra major suit length you could have bid 1♠-2♣; 2♦-3NT, concealing your heart length and possible diamond weakness. More generally, if 1♠-2♣; 2♦ shows any minimum (use any criteria for evaluation you prefer), responder will often have to ask for shape information next with 4 hearts, or a side suit weakness. A lot of the time partner won't have the extra length in a major suit you are looking for, and you end up bidding 3NT anyway but have now partially exposed declarer's hand. One possible remedy is to immediately split out some hands with extra major suit length from 2♦, so that it is no longer any minimum but rather a 'boring' minimum. This allows responder to jump to 3NT or 4M on the second round often.
Posted 2023-November-13, 17:06
DavidKok, on 2023-November-13, 16:35, said:
I am not optimistic about slam but bid 2♣ anyway, then opt for 3NT like the rest of the field.
But I see your point, will think about it thanks.
Posted 2023-November-13, 17:57
DavidKok, on 2023-November-13, 16:35, said:
To reduce the information leakage on hands like this, one could play
1♠-2♣; 2♦-2♥ = strong relay
1♠-2♣; 2♦-2N = (Staymanesque) weak relay, mostly (only?) asking about major suit length
and have an auction like
* any MIN
** weak relay
*** neither 4+ H nor 6+ S
**** contract