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Am I crazy? Reopening with some length in their suit
Posted 2024-June-16, 08:07
Matchpoints, r/w, we are playing Precision(14/16) if it matters
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2024-June-16, 08:25
I think 2♦ is normal, but there are a lot of red flags. Perhaps they add up to enough to convince me to pass.
- Partner is a passed hand, so they are not sitting there with a strong hand. Game chances are very slim, and partner is probably also not sitting there with a penalty pass of 1♠. More likely partner is weak and West is really strong.
- Partner failed to raise hearts.
- Partner failed to bid 2♣ showing 8-10 here, which is kind of surprising given our void.
- We are vulnerable versus not and might go for a number.
- We have decent defence against spades.
- 2♦ as a contract, even when it is making, isn't a big MP's winner.
Posted 2024-June-16, 09:04
I bid 2♦
Maybe I am missing something but I can't see much of a dilemma here.
Maybe I am missing something but I can't see much of a dilemma here.
Posted 2024-June-16, 10:43
Thanks both, I am happy that my regular partner doesn't think I am completely crazy 
Partner had AJT-x-JTxxx-xxxx. 6♦ is cold, we got +50 for defending 1♠, and 8% of the MP.
Maybe partner could have doubled or bid 1NT but I think his pass was reasonable.

Partner had AJT-x-JTxxx-xxxx. 6♦ is cold, we got +50 for defending 1♠, and 8% of the MP.
Maybe partner could have doubled or bid 1NT but I think his pass was reasonable.
The world would be such a happy place, if only everyone played Acol :) --- TramTicket
Posted 2024-July-07, 10:31
I think partner should be bidding, as you say, either 1N or X depending on agreement. Partner would be responding over pass so why not now?
After that it's either 2♦ or another route to show the distributional hand if you have that available.
After that it's either 2♦ or another route to show the distributional hand if you have that available.
Posted 2024-July-07, 10:31
I think partner should be bidding, as you say, either 1N or X depending on agreement. Partner would be responding over pass so why not now?
After that it's either 2♦ or another route to show the distributional hand if you have that available.
After that it's either 2♦ or another route to show the distributional hand if you have that available.
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