Those computer dealt hands!
Posted 2024-October-18, 20:40
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-18, 20:54
Btw, the wildest hands I’ve ever held were all hand dealt. 5=8=0=0 and RHO opens Flannery in front of me. Jxxxx KJ10xxxxx void void (not the same hand!) and partner opened 1D and over my 1H bid jumped to 2S. Etc etc.
Posted 2024-October-19, 07:24
5♠E - 1 !
5♠W - 1
The rest played in 4,5,6♦ in the North.
I wish I had been playing.
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-19, 09:48
My immediate reaction was 5♦, same as Mike. My second thought was "in a really good field, where I am an underdog, and when my partner might have a '1st, favourable' 2♥ call: 7♦. Make 'em guess." But that would have to be a field where I could almost count on everyone finding 6♠ with or without partner's opening. And yeah, that ♣K (or diamond void in partner!) could be all the difference.
But never 6, or 4.
With the real auction, that opening deserved to go for its life. And by that I mean "-200 into -140". I am a fan of aggressive preempts, especially first seat, but that's a hospital pass vul (unfav, no less, so -500 into -430 too!) *My partners* never show up with 5-card support and 14-all-working...
Posted 2024-October-19, 21:43
What is the threshold for a psych?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-20, 04:00
Posted 2024-October-20, 10:34
As always, a reminder that certain clubs of some notoriety aside, a psych is not a call you wouldn't make, or even a call nobody at your club would make; it's not even "a clearly bad bid"; it is a gross and deliberate variation from *the pair's* methods.
I think it's dangerous, and deserved to have the South and West hands switched, but playing EHAA, for example, that is not only within system for a 2♠ opener, it is both *mandatory* (assuming you will open 5 counts - with the change from the GCC meaning we aren't hard-limited to 6-12) and *not the worst hand* that would open 2♠ (98654 QJ5 Q3 J54 anyone?).
Playing an old system with one partner, that would have been a *good* 2♦ Multi opener, given our 1-7 range. May still not have made the bid first seat unfavourable, but it was clearly within system.
"But it could easily go disastrously wrong!" Sure - if you can penalize them. Which many can't, and many more won't. Got a problem with these calls? Bring back the axe. Oh, but that damages your beautiful system to find all your games? Pay out to the ultra-aggressive when they throw you. You don't get to call the cops to stop the opponents from taking advantage of your deliberately-introduced system weaknesses, unless it's something the regulators believe is too hard for *anybody* to defend against.
Posted 2024-October-20, 10:40
Posted 2024-October-20, 10:44
mycroft, on 2024-October-20, 10:34, said:
Posted 2024-October-20, 12:59
[obligatory reference to [other city/country] Fishbein goes here]
Posted 2024-October-20, 14:39
mycroft, on 2024-October-20, 10:34, said:
As always, a reminder that certain clubs of some notoriety aside, a psych is not a call you wouldn't make, or even a call nobody at your club would make; it's not even "a clearly bad bid"; it is a gross and deliberate variation from *the pair's* methods.
I think it's dangerous, and deserved to have the South and West hands switched, but playing EHAA, for example, that is not only within system for a 2♠ opener, it is both *mandatory* (assuming you will open 5 counts - with the change from the GCC meaning we aren't hard-limited to 6-12) and *not the worst hand* that would open 2♠ (98654 QJ5 Q3 J54 anyone?).
Playing an old system with one partner, that would have been a *good* 2♦ Multi opener, given our 1-7 range. May still not have made the bid first seat unfavourable, but it was clearly within system.
"But it could easily go disastrously wrong!" Sure - if you can penalize them. Which many can't, and many more won't. Got a problem with these calls? Bring back the axe. Oh, but that damages your beautiful system to find all your games? Pay out to the ultra-aggressive when they throw you. You don't get to call the cops to stop the opponents from taking advantage of your deliberately-introduced system weaknesses, unless it's something the regulators believe is too hard for *anybody* to defend against.
Let me rephrase the question

Club players tend to get upset and like to cry "psych" at anything unusual.
In your club game do you allowing 2S on
Q86532 Q6 8 JT52 , 98654 QJ5 Q3 J54 ?
“Let me put it in words you might understand,” he said. “Mr. Trump, f–k off!” Anders Vistisen
Posted 2024-October-20, 15:10
jillybean, on 2024-October-20, 14:39, said:

Club players tend to get upset and like to cry "psych" at anything unusual.
In your club game do you allowing 2S on
Q86532 Q6 8 JT52 , 98654 QJ5 Q3 J54 ?
You induce me to bite with two clear examples... the first is not a psyche, the second is (assuming an agreement of let's say 6-10 usually 6+ cards).
More difficult might be one of:
Q86532 76 8 JT52, 98654 QJ5 Q3 Q54
I can live with the second, for me the first is a psyche (gross deviation of strength)... but most of my colleagues seem blind to that so long as the length is there.
Posted 2024-October-20, 22:16
The second - if it's Alerted as "5-12, all hands with a 5+card suit are opened, 95% of them are opened 2 of the longest suit", well, we might complain the *system* isn't something we should bring to a weak club game, but the bid is absolutely within the description.
One thing I will note, however (and yes, this I *do* have an issue with, and I've mentioned it several times as well) - it's only Alertable with the new regs because it could be 12 HCP. The shape, and the suit quality (lack of) requirements, *do not make the call Alertable*. You need to know their style? Better ask. You didn't realize this is a question you should be asking? Better learn.
Should we protect our poor club players from this "weird stuff" or "over-aggressive calls"? Maybe your (non-sanctioned, weaker, play in this club to avoid the experts and "all the bridge laywers") club, or the club in Calgary which is more about the food and the conversation than the bridge, or definitely, if I'm a fill-in in the NLM game I was invited to give the lesson to this morning. In an ACBL sanctioned club playing an Open game on the Open chart, then no, I think that's what you paid your money for. There's a club with an open game that plays Basic+ the other side of the city; go play there if you have a problem with aggressive preempts (or openers) (that are nowhere near at the edge of actual legality).