one other forum I used to belong to (before they started insisting on all sorts of information from participants that I felt was none of their business) ignored trolls unless they became abusive in which case they were quietly removed. They strongly believed that if nobody interacted with them eventually they went away. Seemed to be true.
OTOH just possibly someone is interested in the discussion, even if you are not. If nobody cared then nobody would stay involved. Lord knows a lot of the posts I glance over and move on as a lot of it is beyond my pay grade. It just seems to me that most trolls ..at least the ones I've seen - don't bother going to the effort that both these guys do to present their side of things. That is worth courtesy if nothing else. (can you tell I'm a Canuck?

I can't help but think that there is a lot of splitting of hairs and playing of violins while Rome is starting to smoulder but shouting on either side isn't accomplishing anything except maybe venting frustration and if they don't go away that won't even work.
Waving stats and graphs around on either side isn't going to do anything much as people a) don't know how to interpret them and b) don't believe them anyway. Lies Damn Lies & Statistics. They DO look out the window and see absolutely unexpected floodwaters about to drown their house and they DO believe the images of bare mountains where there used to be glaciers etc. They DO have to pay attention when they aren't allowed to water lawns or wash cars`because of water scarcity (and that's going to get much much worse, simply because we've been drawing water out of nonrenewing aquifers for some time already, to say nothing of clear cutting forests and not only in Brazil).
I think for the vast majority of people climate change isn't a matter of if or not, it's a matter of whether as individuals we can really do anything meaningful now or not, and the lack of leadership in terms of conservation and the mockery of such things as the carbon exchange fiascoes lead most to think "not", or at the very least, "why should I when nobody else is."
It isn't the people such as those posting on the forums who are responsible, it's the people who pay lip service to saying climate change is something which needs to be addressed but aren't willing to do anything except play shell games until their time in office is up who are responsible for the great inertia. They're the ones who deserve your wrath as they are in a position of leadership (that is to say, in front, not necessarilly standing up).
None of them seem to have the imagination of a pebble as to how to turn the problem into the solution, (as permaculture people say). They don't seem even to be looking.It's all just finding ways to make it look like they're doing something at the same time as it's full speed ahead with what we've been doing all along. Climate change or not, anyone with the brain of a flea has to see that how we are using the earth's resources..water even more than oil, is simply not sustainable.