Or even a grand slam??? all non vulnyou r dealer.pick up.
AKQ8-A-AK98-AJ98---25 points plusall the nines better than 2's
Bidding proceeds 2cl-p-2d-p what is your rebid?
at the time i thought ill make it easy for partner,and bid 3cl-
next bid is 3hts--- so what now 3sp/3nt/4n/t! ace ask.?
still making it easy for partner-i bid 3sp pard now bids 4cl.so what now,?
so decided on 6cl-----do you agree. scroll down,
ill post this now and then post partners hand in 4 hours time
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Praise for my Partner Is there a slam?
Posted 2011-January-17, 03:05
I started bidding my weakest suit, and now I can't stop it, help!
I started bidding my weakest suit, and now I can't stop it, help!
Please note: I am interested in boring, bog standard, 2/1.
- hrothgar
- hrothgar
Posted 2011-January-17, 06:28
2C-2D-3NT shows a balanced hand and 25 pts? (I would have preferred a doubleton H, but I think 3NT rebid describes the hand best?
Posted 2011-January-17, 09:09
1. There should be a forum limit to the number of question marks allowed in a post.
2. This is a problem hand in general, but I probably would have bid 2♠ over 2♦ if I was not playing Kokish. Otherwise 2♥ then 2N seems normal enough.
3. 3♣?! "Let's bid my weakest suit that crams the auction more than almost any other bid, yay."
4. 6♣?!?!?!!? "I bid my weakest suit and distorted my pattern, I want to bid my weakest suit again since it was so much fun last time!"
5. I abstain from the final question since the previous bidding would never be reproduced.
6. Poor partner.
2. This is a problem hand in general, but I probably would have bid 2♠ over 2♦ if I was not playing Kokish. Otherwise 2♥ then 2N seems normal enough.
3. 3♣?! "Let's bid my weakest suit that crams the auction more than almost any other bid, yay."
4. 6♣?!?!?!!? "I bid my weakest suit and distorted my pattern, I want to bid my weakest suit again since it was so much fun last time!"
5. I abstain from the final question since the previous bidding would never be reproduced.
6. Poor partner.
Yay for the "Ignored Users" feature!
Posted 2011-January-17, 10:23
mtvesuvius, on 2011-January-17, 09:09, said:
1. There should be a forum limit to the number of question marks allowed in a post.
2. This is a problem hand in general, but I probably would have bid 2♠ over 2♦ if I was not playing Kokish. Otherwise 2♥ then 2N seems normal enough.
3. 3♣?! "Let's bid my weakest suit that crams the auction more than almost any other bid, yay."
4. 6♣?!?!?!!? "I bid my weakest suit and distorted my pattern, I want to bid my weakest suit again since it was so much fun last time!"
5. I abstain from the final question since the previous bidding would never be reproduced.
6. Poor partner.
2. This is a problem hand in general, but I probably would have bid 2♠ over 2♦ if I was not playing Kokish. Otherwise 2♥ then 2N seems normal enough.
3. 3♣?! "Let's bid my weakest suit that crams the auction more than almost any other bid, yay."
4. 6♣?!?!?!!? "I bid my weakest suit and distorted my pattern, I want to bid my weakest suit again since it was so much fun last time!"
5. I abstain from the final question since the previous bidding would never be reproduced.
6. Poor partner.
PARTNERS HAND IS --- 1/5/2/5---- 6-Q10872--76-Q10764--
I must say i was very tempted to bid 7cl needless to say also Kcl off side
and not a singleton K
Posted 2011-January-17, 10:50
2♣-2♦-2♥-2♠-2N(25-26 bal)-3♦-3♥-4♣-4♦(Keycard in ♣)-No aces but Q clubs-6♣
Easy enough hand.
Easy enough hand.
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