System: Polish Club modified
Important team match
Dealer: South
N/S vulnarable
I hope that viewing the complete hand right now does not influence your objectivity
Bidding so far:
South opens 1♠ (pass) 2♠ (pass)
Problem A: South has to decide whether to show via Rosenkranz Two-Way Game Tries
a) a short suit trial in ♥
b) a long suit trial in ♦
c) a long suit trial in ♣
d) to jump directly to 4♠
--> Question: Which is the best action and why? (Without knowing all hands as you do...)
Problem B: assume that South decided to bid
i) --> a) = a short suit trial in ♥
ii) --> b) = a long suit trial in ♦
--> Question: How should North evaluate his hand in each of both cases? Why?
C: Do "loser count" or "distribution points" affect your bidding?
D1: Do you prefer "Long Suit Trials" or "Help Suit Trials"? D2: Would LST or HST lead to a different result from North in this hand?