Zelandakh, on 2012-March-19, 03:52, said:
The question has still not been answered. Clearly rotating the deal to give South the best hand is a violation of one of the Laws of bridge. Would anyone take the BB seriously if they did this? That would still be a test of skill - same at both tables. And if you think it is right to give out MPs for bridge-like games then why not other alternatives like Minibridge or problem-solving contests? Or we can have a game where BITs are allowed for the purposes of deceiving opponents. How about allowing trash-talk at the table like in poker? Or allowing any system to be played without restriction. It's all just bridge, right?
1. The Laws of Bridge say nothing about system regulations
2. I don't think that the Laws say anything about declarer using a break in tempo to deceive the opponents. The Conduct and Etiquette section of "Proprieties" certainly talks about this, however, it talks about a lot of stuff that gets routinely ignored.
3. I know that I've won masterpoints in Midnight Swiss events where trash talking and tequila were the rule (not the exception)
As to your comment about rotating the hands: The Laws of Online Bridge also state that the following, which suggests that we're going to run into some real problems if we want to be stickler's to the rules...
A. The Shuffle
Before play starts, each pack is thoroughly shuffled. There is a cut if either
opponent so requests.
B. The Deal
The cards must be dealt face down, one card at time, into four hands of
thirteen cards each; each hand is then placed face down in one of the four
pockets of the board. The recommended procedure is that the cards be dealt
in rotation, clockwise.
C. Representation of Both Pairs
A member of each side should be present during the shuffle and deal unless
the Director instructs otherwise.
D. New Shuffle and Re-deal
1. Cards Incorrectly Dealt or Exposed
There must be a new shuffle and a re-deal if it is ascertained before the
auction begins for both sides (see Law 17A) that the cards have been
incorrectly dealt or that a player could have seen the face of a card
belonging to another hand.
2. No Shuffle or No Deal
No result may stand if the cards are dealt without shuffle from a sorted
deck or if the deal had previously been played in a different session.
3. At Directors Instruction
Subject to Law 22A, there must be a new shuffle and a redeal when
required by the Director for any reason compatible with the Laws (but
see Law 86C).
E. Directors Option on Shuffling and Dealing
1. By Players
The Director may instruct that the shuffle and deal be performed at each
table immediately before play starts.
2. By Director
The Director may perform the shuffle and deal in advance, himself.
3. By Agents or Assistants
The Director may have his assistants or other appointed agents perform
the shuffle and deal in advance.
Preparation and Progression
4. Different Method of Dealing or Pre-dealing
The Director may require a different method of dealing or pre-dealing.
F. Duplication of Board
If required by the conditions of play, one or more exact copies