MrAce, on 2012-May-08, 01:08, said:
Declarer obviously have ♣A since he is working to get a ♠ trick next year instead of working on clubs, which makes his tricks 5♣+♠A and he would have made it anyway if he had another Ace. Unless they open weak NT with 5 card major pd holds at least 5♥ (probably just 5 due to his silence or 4 only but doesnt matter since we should play declarer for not holding another ace) If we need to defeat this we need to find pd with a hand like this i guess. Jx AQJx Axxx xxx or Jx Axxxx AKx xxx. Pd cant go wrong if we play K of ♥ and another, he may think we hold KQxx ♥ but then we would not encourage when he cashes ♦K.
I would play K of ♥ and another
Your play is wrong for two reasons:
Firstly, it's not obvious that declarer has the
♣A. If declarer has two small Clubs then why would he play on Clubs? There's no entry.
Secondly, if declarer does have the
♣A then there's no hurry to play the
♥K - we can do it ourselves after winning our second Spade trick.
The only thing that can be critical to switch to now is a Club to kill an entry to the long Spade when declarer has two Clubs without the Ace.