ahydra, on 2012-August-10, 07:14, said:
And the best bit... East doesn't cash the setting trick
(wonder if all simulations showed he has to score the HA eventually?)
Probably because the auction is defined such that south has 4+ spades and 2+ hearts? Seems to me the meanings of 3s and 4h are out of whack; first should be 4sf might be artificial, second should be cue for diamonds? Plus North should probably rebid 6 cd heart suit ahead of 4 cd clubs, especially with the diamond misfit. Since playing 2/1, south should have bid 3d instead of 3s to save room and be more descriptive.
Weird that GIB would play the hand so badly. I see this is tourney hand, do basic bots somehow sneak into some of the tourneys? My home GIB takes the obvious 12 tricks.