First I give you my hand:
Do we agree so far?
From now on the opponents are silent.
Partner bids 3♣ over my 2♥. Your thoughts?
If I don't bid 3NT right now, I imagine I will finish in 6♣ since there is likely to be a reasonable play for more than nine tricks in NT, and this is mps. Right?
Anyway, I did finish in a hopeless 6♣
Question: Given that we play Lebensohl in an uncontested auction, does it still apply after the first round take out double? I thought that it did, partner thought it did not. In fact, the combined hands on this deal provide an argument in his favor, because we belong in 3NT played from my side. Here are the hands:
One of the high cards is with E, so in theory, 3NT might fail with enough bad luck and bad guessing, but in practice it looks like a fine contract. If played N, a diamond lead is obviously a serious threat.
The primary question is for future play; Leb on or off when the opps come in with a double. Or an overcall, for that matter.
Any other comments about my judgment are of course welcome.