CSGibson, on 2012-October-04, 08:45, said:
The reason why is that an explanation of "we have no agreement, I just misbid" is self-serving. Note, I am not saying that they are lying, or impugning their reputation at all, but if a self-serving explanation is made for a potential MI issue, and there is no way of figuring out whether someone forgot an agreement or misbid based solely on the hand record/convention cards, then I think its appropriate to fill out a recorder form to document the occasion. People do lie to directors, or frame the facts in a way to give them the best chance of a good ruling, and rather than make a judgment on who I think is honest and who may be a lying bastard, I would just document everyone.
During an evening at the club there are maybe half a dozen bidding misunderstandings around the room. You want six recorder forms per evening's bridge?
You also make it sound so black-and-white: a self-serving statement. Of course we give less weight to it, but it is not the way half of RGB thinks: every self-serving statement by the offending side is assumed to be a lie, every self-serving statement by the non-offending side is assumed to be the plain unvarnished truth. The TD asks further questions. Pure lies to TDs are uncommon - and TDs know which players lie to them - so usually after asking a few questions a TD knows what the situation is.