My hand was the perfect match for my partner's hand.
♦ is a pretty good contract, which makes any time trump break 2-1 and either the
♥Q comes down in the first 2 rounds, hearts are 3-2, or Qxxx of hearts is onside and you don't suffer an opposing ruff. It can also make if you can ruff all three spades in dummy and get back and forth without suffering an opposing ruff.
At the table, I passed 5
♦. In retrospect, this seems like a wimpy move, but I thought that partner might have a couple of inescapable losers in the rounded suits.
I never found out how the hearts broke, but I was told by the opps that the 2
♠ bidder was void in diamonds. On the spade lead, my partner ruffed all of his spades in dummy and successfully crossed in clubs, then hearts, then clubs to pull trump and claim.
In any event, this bad result wound up winning 10 IMPs, as our opps only reached 4
♦ at the other table. The bidding:
♦ - (2
♠) - (P) - (3
♦ - All Pass
We wound up winning this 6 board match by 40 and winning the event comfortably.