FrancesHinden, on 2013-January-01, 04:24, said:
I think you mean not unblocking in diamonds.
If you start the diamond suit with the jack to the ace and LHO shows out, then you have just given up on an overtrick that was rightfully yours.
OK, it's not very likely that LHO has 1 spade and 0 diamonds, but purely as a matter of technique there is no benefit to starting with a high diamond.
The 3rd
♠ was not best, but having played 3 rounds of Spade giving the end position like in the OP, shouldn't you play a high
If you play a low Diamond to the A, cross to dummy in Clubs and play Diamond, RHO discarding then this remains after playing D for LHO DQ:
K=v=J=J7 * T=v=65=A
LHO returns Club and you still have to loose a Club.