kenberg, on 2013-April-14, 06:25, said:
If you mean to be insulting, you are succeeding. If you mean to be making a clear point, you are failing. What skin in what game? What is the difference between skin and real skin? An do you really want to get into a public discussion of who has more skin in some game or another? I really have no idea what you are talking about here, and I doubt I would much like it if I could figure it out. I guess your basic point, since you seem to think I understand your points and in some sense I think that I do, is that you are the one with real skin in the game, whatever this cliche means, and the rest of us are just posers out here babbling.
Message received, over and out.
wow I certainly did not mean to be insulting in any way and in no way am I talking about myself. I do appreciate reading your thoughtful posts.
Not sure how to make my main point any clearer than I have tried in my previous posts on how to attack inequality by other methods than focusing on the vast middle. To try and focus on the tail rather than the average.
yes skin in the game means having money at risk in the company being discusssed. For example you are the owner of a local rest. you are a hard worker and productive but you can still fail and lose money you have at risk. But failing rest. makes room for a new and improving rest on an industry scale. Thus failure can improve an industry. An example of not having skin in the game would be nonowners telling all the rest. they have to raise wages to fight inequality.
Another example is airlines....when a plane crashes the industry learns and makes flying much safer over the long term..These are 2 example of industries that gain from uncertainity, failure and volatility, trial and error. btw giant airline companies go bust all the time.
Now note will all the new bank laws with the purpose of making them more stable..they are in fact bigger and risker than before 2008. Risk to the system has increased.
as for the size issue, I think the perceived safety for large companies is an illusion as I have stated before. Even crony capitalism and govt stepping in seems only a stop gap for owners taking losses. For example in retail....think sears, kmart, is huge but not unbeatable. Size does give walmart some advantages such as purchasing power but it can also make the hidden risks harder to find and attack. Sears was much much bigger than Walmart for many years.
Size risk can also apply to countries as to compare say Russia to a citystate such as Monaco.